Summary Basis of Decision for Quviviq
Review decision
The Summary Basis of Decision explains why the product was approved for sale in Canada. The document includes regulatory, safety, effectiveness and quality (in terms of chemistry and manufacturing) considerations.
Product type:
Summary Basis of Decision (SBD)
Summary Basis of Decision (SBD) documents provide information related to the original authorization of a product. The SBD for Quviviq is located below.
Recent Activity for Quviviq
The SBDs written for eligible drugs approved after September 1, 2012 will be updated to include post-authorization information. This information will be compiled in a Post-Authorization Activity Table (PAAT). The PAAT will include brief summaries of activities such as submissions for new uses of the product, and whether Health Canada's decisions were negative or positive. The PAATs will be updated regularly with post-authorization activity throughout the product life cycle. At this time, no PAAT is available for Quviviq. When the PAAT for Quviviq becomes available, it will be incorporated into this SBD.
Summary Basis of Decision (SBD) for Quviviq
Date SBD issued: 2023-08-04
The following information relates to the New Drug Submission for Quviviq.
Daridorexant (supplied as daridorexant hydrochloride)
Drug Identification Number (DIN):
DIN 02537435 - 25 mg daridorexant, tablet, oral administration
DIN 02537443 - 50 mg daridorexant, tablet, oral administration
Idorsia Pharmaceuticals Ltd
New Drug Submission Control Number: 255507
Submission Type: New Drug Submission (New Active Substance)
Therapeutic Area (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical [ATC] Code): N05 Psycholeptics
Date Filed: 2021-08-25
Authorization Date: 2023-04-28
On April 28, 2023, Health Canada issued a Notice of Compliance to Idorsia Pharmaceuticals Ltd for the drug product Quviviq.
The market authorization was based on quality (chemistry and manufacturing), non‑clinical (pharmacology and toxicology), and clinical (pharmacology, safety, and efficacy) information submitted. Based on Health Canada’s review, the benefit‑harm-uncertainty profile of Quviviq is indicated for the management of adult patients with insomnia, characterized by difficulties with sleep onset and/or sleep maintenance.
1 What was approved?
Quviviq, a hypnotic agent, was authorized for the management of adult patients with insomnia, characterized by difficulties with sleep onset and/or sleep maintenance.
The safety and efficacy of Quviviq in pediatric patients (younger than18 years of age) have not been established.
No dose adjustment is required in patients over the age of 65 years.
Quviviq (25 mg and 50 mg daridorexant, supplied as daridorexant hydrochloride) is presented as a tablet. In addition to the medicinal ingredient, the tablet contains croscarmellose sodium, glycerin, hypromellose, iron oxide black, iron oxide red, iron oxide yellow (50 mg tablet only), magnesium stearate, mannitol, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone, silicon dioxide, talc, and titanium dioxide.
The use of Quviviq is contraindicated in:
Patients who are hypersensitive to daridorexant or to any ingredient in the formulation, including any non-medicinal ingredient, or component of the container.
Patients with narcolepsy.
Patients taking a concomitant strong cytochrome P450 (CYP3A4) inhibitor.
The drug product was approved for use under the conditions stated in its Product Monograph taking into consideration the potential risks associated with its administration. The Quviviq Product Monograph is available through the Drug Product Database.
For more information about the rationale for Health Canada's decision, refer to the Clinical, Non-clinical, and Quality (Chemistry and Manufacturing) Basis for Decision sections.
2 Why was Quviviq approved?
Health Canada considers that the benefit-harm-uncertainty profile of Quviviq is favourable for the management of adult patients with insomnia, characterized by difficulties with sleep onset and/or sleep maintenance.
Insomnia is one of the most common complaints in health care. Its diagnosis and management depend on the nature of the complaint, its duration, and other exacerbating factors. Insomnia can be subdivided into difficulty falling into sleep (sleep onset insomnia), frequent or sustained awakenings (sleep maintenance insomnia), early morning awakenings (sleep offset insomnia), or persistent sleepiness despite sleep of adequate duration (nonrestorative sleep). Depending on its duration, insomnia may be transient (up to several days), short term (from several days to three weeks), or long term (up to three months and longer).
Based on the underlying physiopathology, insomnia may be classified as extrinsic insomnia, psychophysiological insomnia, and substance-dependent insomnia. Insomnia may also be associated with mental disorders, neurological disorders, and other medical conditions. Insomnia is sometimes associated with, and even complicated by the presence of, restless legs syndrome, periodic limb movement disorder, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, and parasomnia (abnormal sleep behaviours). Furthermore, the patient may have significant organ impairments, such as ischemic cardiac disease, hepatic impairment, renal impairment, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, etc.
The management of insomnia involves a multi-dimensional approach to address the underlying medical or psychological conditions. This approach includes the use of both non-medication therapies and medications. The available pharmaceutical management options include melatonin receptor agonists, such as melatonin (available without a prescription) and ramelteon (which is not available in Canada), and dual orexin receptor antagonists, such as lemborexant. Nonbenzodiazepines (Z‑drugs) as well as several benzodiazepines are also available for the short-term management of insomnia. Other options may include antihistamines, antidepressants, even antipsychotics.
The medicinal ingredient in Quviviq is daridorexant, a selective dual orexin receptor antagonist that blocks the actions of orexin neuropeptides at both orexin 1 and orexin 2 receptors.
The market authorization of Quviviq was based on data derived from two Phase III confirmatory efficacy and safety studies (Study 301 and Study 302) and their open-label longer-term safety extension study (Study 303).
Study 301 was a Phase III, multicentre, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, polysomnography study to assess the efficacy and safety of two doses of Quviviq (25 mg and 50 mg) versus (vs.) placebo in adult and elderly patients with insomnia disorder as defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM‑5). In addition to meeting the DSM‑5 criteria, the patients had to have a score of 15 or above on the Insomnia Severity Index. Patients in the intention-to-treat group (number of patients [n] = 930) received Quviviq 25 mg (n = 310), Quviviq 50 mg (n = 310), or placebo (n = 310). The study included 306 men (32.9%) and 624 women (67.1%), with an average age of 55.40 ± 15.3 years.
Study 302, identical in design to Study 301, assessed daridorexant at the 10 mg and 25 mg doses. Patients in the intention-to-treat group (n = 924) received daridorexant 10 mg (n = 307), Quviviq 25 mg (n = 309), or placebo (n = 308). The study included 286 men (31.0%) and 638 women (69.0%), with an average age of 56.70 ± 14.2 years.
The primary endpoints for both studies were the change from baseline to Month 1 and Month 3 in wake after sleep onset (WASO) and in latency to persistent sleep (LPS), both assessed objectively by polysomnography in a sleep laboratory. The key secondary endpoints were patient-reported total sleep time (sTST) and the Insomnia Daytime Symptoms and Impacts Questionnaire - sleepiness domain (IDSIQ-SD). All endpoint results are baseline- and placebo-subtracted using the least squares mean difference method.
Quviviq demonstrated efficacy in improving the symptoms of insomnia up to Month 3 in a dose-dependent manner at the dose range of 25 mg to 50 mg. The main effect observed with Quviviq treatment was a reduction in awake time after sleep onset and a notable, statistically significant although not clinically significant, reduction in sleep latency. At the 50 mg dose, Quviviq reduced the objective WASO by 22.78 minutes at Month 1 and by 18.30 minutes at Month 3 compared with placebo, which were both statistically significant and met the pre-specified clinically meaningful duration of 15 minutes or more. Quviviq 50 mg also reduced the objective LPS by 11.35 minutes at Month 1 and 11.67 minutes at Month 3, which did not meet the prespecified clinically meaningful duration of 15 minutes or more. These primary outcomes were supported by the secondary sTST endpoint, with an improvement (increase in duration) over placebo of 22.06 minutes at Month 1 and 19.77 minutes at Month 3. The results were statistically significant and met the pre-specified clinically meaningful improvement for this secondary endpoint, with a duration of 20 minutes or more.
The clinical safety of Quviviq was based on data from Study 301, Study 302, and Study 303. Of the 1,847 patients in these studies who received study treatment, 306 patients received Quviviq 10 mg, 618 patients received Quviviq 25 mg, 308 patients received Quviviq 50 mg, and 615 patients received placebo. Approximately 40% of the 1,847 patients were 65 years of age or older. Overall, 490 patients were treated with Quviviq for at least 6 months and 314 patients were treated with Quviviq for at least 12 months.
The adverse events reported during the studies were expected for this class of drug and were consistent with the pharmacological effects characterized in the clinical development program. In Study 301 and Study 302 (pooled data), adverse reactions that occurred in at least 2% of patients who received Quviviq and more frequently (≥1%) than those who received placebo included headache (5.5%), somnolence (2.5%), fatigue (2.5%), dizziness (2%), and nausea (1.5%). More serious adverse reactions were uncommon, including narcolepsy-like symptoms of excessive daytime sleepiness and complex sleep behaviours. The combined frequency of narcolepsy-like events was 1.14% for Quviviq vs. 0.49% for placebo. The linkage between Quviviq and those adverse reactions is not well understood, as they are associated with patients with sleep abnormalities.
In patients who received Quviviq, a slightly higher frequency in events of reduced thyroxine and increased bilirubin was observed. The presence of cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) inhibitors increased the exposure to daridorexant. In healthy participants, Quviviq reduced driving performance and had an additive effect on psychomotor performance with the concomitant use of alcohol. These adverse effects were well characterized and clearly labelled in the Product Monograph.
Quviviq had no adverse effect on the QT interval. There were no cases of insomnia rebound or withdrawal symptoms in the clinical trial data. In recreational sedative drugs users, Quviviq showed low drug-liking effect at the therapeutic dose of 50 mg, while this effect was moderate at higher doses (100 mg and 150 mg). High-fat and high-calorie meals delayed the effect of Quviviq, but this interaction is deemed to have little impact in the setting of insomnia management.
No human data on the use of Quviviq during pregnancy and breastfeeding are available. Pregnant women exposed to Quviviq are encouraged to enrol in a pregnancy registry and prescribers are advised to balance the care of the patient with the unknown effect of daridorexant exposure to the breastfed infant.
Overall, Quviviq has an acceptable safety profile based on the non-clinical data and clinical data. The identified safety concerns have been addressed through appropriate monitoring and labelling in the Quviviq Product Monograph.
A Risk Management Plan (RMP) for Quviviq was submitted by Idorsia Pharmaceuticals Ltd to Health Canada. The RMP is designed to describe known and potential safety issues, to present the monitoring scheme, and when needed, to describe measures that will be put in place to minimize risks associated with the product. Upon review, the RMP was considered to be acceptable.
The submitted inner and outer labels, package insert, and Patient Medication Information section of the Quviviq Product Monograph meet the necessary regulatory labelling, plain language, and design element requirements. The sponsor submitted a brand name assessment that included testing for look‑alike sound‑alike attributes. Upon review, the proposed name Quviviq was accepted.
As worded, the approved indication adequately reflects the efficacy demonstrated in the patient population studied and maintains wording consistent with that used for other drugs in the same class. Based on the available information, the benefit-harm-uncertainty profile for Quviviq is positive when the drug is used according to the approved Product Monograph.
This New Drug Submission complies with the requirements of sections C.08.002 and C.08.005.1 and therefore Health Canada has issued the Notice of Compliance pursuant to section C.08.004 of the Food and Drug Regulations. For more information, refer to the Clinical, Non-clinical, and Quality (Chemistry and Manufacturing) Basis for Decision sections.
3 What steps led to the approval of Quviviq?
A New Drug Submission (NDS) for Quviviq was filed on August 25, 2021, and was issued a Notice of Non-Compliance (NON) by Health Canada on August 15, 2022. It was determined that the sponsor's risk assessment for the potential formation of N‑nitrosamine impurities (N‑Nitrosodiethylamine) during the drug substance manufacturing process did not align with Health Canada's expectations regarding control of nitrosamines. Additionally, the sponsor was requested to define triazole as a starting material. The sponsor filed a Response to the NON on October 20, 2022, providing a revised risk assessment which demonstrated a negligible risk for the formation of N‑Nitrosodiethylamine during the commercial process. Additionally, triazole was redefined as a regulatory starting material. Upon review, Health Canada found the information submitted acceptable and issued a Notice of Compliance.
The review of the quality, non-clinical, clinical components of the NDS for Quviviq was based on a critical assessment of the data package submitted to Health Canada. The foreign reviews completed by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products (Swissmedic) were used as added references as per the methods described in the Draft Guidance Document: The Use of Foreign Reviews by Health Canada. Method 3 was used in the review of the quality and non-clinical components. A mix of methods were used in the review of the clinical components of the NDS. The Canadian regulatory decision on the Quviviq NDS was made independently based on the Canadian review.
For additional information about the drug submission process, refer to the Management of Drug Submissions and Applications Guidance.
Submission Milestones: Quviviq
Submission Milestone |
Date |
New Drug Submission filed |
2021-08-25 |
Screening 1 |
Screening Acceptance Letter issued |
2021-10-15 |
Review 1 |
Non-clinical evaluation completed |
2022-08-09 |
Review of Risk Management Plan completed |
2022-08-09 |
Biostatistics evaluation completed |
2022-08-10 |
Quality evaluation completed |
2022-08-11 |
Biopharmaceutics evaluation completed |
2022-08-11 |
Clinical/medical evaluation completed |
2022-08-11 |
Labelling review completed |
2022-08-11 |
Notice of Non-Compliance issued by Director General, Pharmaceutical Products Directorate (quality issues) |
2022-08-15 |
Response to Notice of Non-Compliance filed |
2022-10-20 |
Screening of Response to Notice of Non-Compliance (Screening 2) |
Screening Acceptance Letter issued |
2022-12-02 |
Review of Response to Notice of Non-Compliance (Review 2) |
Review of Risk Management Plan completed |
2023-04-09 |
Biostatistics evaluation completed |
2023-04-17 |
Quality evaluation completed |
2023-04-21 |
Labelling review completed |
2023-04-21 |
Clinical/medical evaluation completed |
2023-04-28 |
Notice of Compliance issued by Director General, Pharmaceutical Products Directorate |
2023-04-28 |
4 What follow-up measures will the company take?
Requirements for post-market commitments are outlined in the Food and Drugs Act and Regulations.
5 What post-authorization activity has taken place for Quviviq?
Summary Basis of Decision documents (SBDs) for eligible drugs authorized after September 1, 2012 will include post-authorization information in a table format. The Post-Authorization Activity Table (PAAT) will include brief summaries of activities such as submissions for new uses of the product, and whether Health Canada's decisions were negative or positive. The PAAT will continue to be updated during the product life cycle.
At this time, no PAAT is available for Quviviq. When available, the PAAT will be incorporated into this SBD.
For the latest advisories, warnings and recalls for marketed products, see MedEffect Canada.
6 What other information is available about drugs?
Up-to-date information on drug products can be found at the following links:
See MedEffect Canada for the latest advisories, warnings and recalls for marketed products.
See the Notice of Compliance (NOC) Database for a listing of the authorization dates for all drugs that have been issued an NOC since 1994.
See the Drug Product Database (DPD) for the most recent Product Monograph. The DPD contains product-specific information on drugs that have been approved for use in Canada.
See the Notice of Compliance with Conditions (NOC/c)-related documents for the latest fact sheets and notices for products which were issued an NOC under the Notice of Compliance with Conditions (NOC/c) Guidance Document, if applicable. Clicking on a product name links to (as applicable) the Fact Sheet, Qualifying Notice, and Dear Health Care Professional Letter.
See the Patent Register for patents associated with medicinal ingredients, if applicable.
See the Register of Innovative Drugs for a list of drugs that are eligible for data protection under C.08.004.1 of the Food and Drug Regulations, if applicable.
7 What was the scientific rationale for Health Canada's decision?
7.1 Clinical Basis for Decision
As outlined in the What steps led to the approval of Quviviq? section, the clinical review of the New Drug Submission for Quviviq was conducted as per a mix of methods described in the Draft Guidance Document: The Use of Foreign Reviews by Health Canada .
Clinical Pharmacology
Daridorexant, the medicinal ingredient in Quviviq, is a dual orexin receptor antagonist with equipotent activity on orexin 1 and orexin 2 receptors. Orexin neuropeptides (orexin A and orexin B) act on orexin receptors to promote wakefulness. Daridorexant antagonizes the activation of orexin receptors by orexin neuropeptides and consequently decreases the wake drive, allowing sleep to occur.
The clinical pharmacology package included reports on human pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic studies.
Single and multiple-ascending dose studies provided the initial characterization of daridorexant, including its clinical pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, which showed an observable sleep-promoting effect.
In intrinsic factor pharmacokinetic studies, minor differences in the pharmacokinetic profile of daridorexant were found between Caucasian and Asian participants, which were likely attributable to differences in body weight. Based on pharmacokinetic data from patients with mild and moderate hepatic impairment, a dose adjustment is recommended in patients with moderate hepatic impairment. Daridorexant was not studied in patients with severe hepatic impairment; therefore, the use of Quviviq is not recommended in these patients. No dose adjustment of Quviviq was recommended in patients with renal impairment, including those with severe renal impairment.
Daridorexant was not found to exacerbate symptoms in patients with moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or mild to moderate sleep apnea.
In extrinsic factor pharmacokinetic studies, diltiazem, a moderate cytochrome P450 (CYP) isoenzyme 3A4 (CYP3A4) inhibitor, increased the exposure to daridorexant. It is therefore recommended to reduce the Quviviq dose from 50 mg to 25 mg in patients who need to take a medication with a moderate inhibitory effect on CYP3A4. Furthermore, daridorexant is contraindicated in patients taking a concomitant strong CYP3A4 inhibitor. No significant pharmacokinetic drug interactions of daridorexant 25 mg were found with midazolam, a sensitive CYP3A4 substrate and benzodiazepine sometimes used in patients with insomnia, or with rosuvastatin, a breast cancer resistance protein substrate. Similarly, no significant drug interactions were found with famotidine, an inhibitor of gastric secretion, or with efavirenz, a moderate CYP3A4 inducer. Daridorexant had no significant pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic drug interactions with citalopram, an antidepressant of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor class.
In healthy subjects, daridorexant was found to have an additive effect when co-administered with alcohol. In a driving simulator study in healthy participants, in the morning after first-dose administration, Quviviq impaired simulated driving performance as measured by the Standard Deviation of Lateral Position. The effect was less pronounced with 50 mg than with 100 mg Quviviq. For both doses, no effect on driving performance was detected after 4 consecutive nights of administration. In recreational sedative drug users, daridorexant showed low drug-liking at a therapeutic dose of 50 mg, while this effect was found to be moderate at higher doses (100 mg and 150 mg).
The effect of a high-fat, high-calorie meal on the pharmacokinetics of a single 50 mg dose of daridorexant was assessed in healthy male patients. When compared with the fasted state, the ingestion of a high-fat, high-calorie meal before dose administration delayed the absorption of daridorexant by about 1.5 hours, without significantly altering the rate (measured by the maximum plasma drug concentration) and extent (measured by the area under the concentration-time curve) of drug absorption. Therefore, a statement is included in the Quviviq Product Monograph to indicate that Quviviq may be taken with or without food; however, sleep onset may be delayed if taken with or soon after a high-fat and high-calorie meal.
Overall, the clinical pharmacology data support the use of Quviviq for the recommended indication. Appropriate warnings and precautions are in place in the approved Quviviq Product Monograph to address the identified safety concerns.
For further details, please refer to the Quviviq Product Monograph, approved by Health Canada and available through the Drug Product Database.
Clinical Efficacy
The efficacy of Quviviq in patients with insomnia disorder, as defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM‑5), was supported by two confirmatory efficacy studies (Study 301 and Study 302).
Study 301
Study 301 was a Phase III, multicentre, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, polysomnography study to assess the efficacy and safety of two doses of Quviviq (25 mg and 50 mg) versus (vs.) placebo in adult and elderly patients with insomnia disorder. In addition to meeting the DSM‑5 criteria, the patients had to have a score of 15 or above on the Insomnia Severity Index.
Blood samples were taken for population pharmacokinetic analysis. In total, 3,326 patients were screened, 2,234 patients went through a single-blind run-in, and 930 patients were randomized to receive study treatment. In the intention-to-treat group (number of patients [n] = 930), patients received Quviviq 25 mg (n = 310), Quviviq 50 mg (n = 310), or placebo (n = 310). The study included 306 men (32.9%) and 624 women (67.1%), with an average age (mean ± standard deviation) of 55.40 ± 15.3 years.
The primary endpoints of Study 301 were the change from baseline to Month 1 and Month 3 in wake after sleep onset (WASO) and in latency to persistent sleep (LPS), measured objectively by polysomnography in a sleep laboratory. The key secondary endpoints were patient-reported total sleep time (sTST) and the Insomnia Daytime Symptoms and Impacts Questionnaire - sleepiness domain (IDSIQ-SD). The clinically meaningful effect size to detect (i.e., the pre-specified clinically meaningful improvement), determined based on efficacy exploratory studies and used for sample size calculations, was 15 minutes for WASO and LPS, 20 minutes for sTST, and 5 units for the IDSIQ-SD score. All endpoint results (least squares mean) are baseline- and placebo-subtracted. The primary analyses included 16 hypotheses for all endpoints, dose levels, and time points. For these hypotheses, the pre-specified Bonferroni-based (Bretz et al 2009) gate-keeping procedure was used to control for type 1 errors.
The primary analyses of the impact of Quviviq 25 mg and 50 mg on WASO and LPS showed a statistically significant improvement over placebo at both time points and doses. Quviviq 25 mg and 50 mg reduced WASO by 12.20 minutes and 22.78 minutes, respectively, at Month 1, and by 11.86 minutes and 18.30 minutes, respectively, at Month 3. Quviviq 25 mg and 50 mg reduced LPS by 8.32 minutes and 11.35 minutes, respectively, at Month 1, and by 7.59 minutes and 11.67 minutes, respectively, at Month 3. Only the WASO results for Quviviq 50 mg at both time points met the clinically meaningful effect size to detect duration of 15 minutes or more, while none of the LPS results reached this duration.
The secondary endpoint of sTST resulted in a statistically significant improvement over placebo at both time points and doses. Quviviq 25 mg and 50 mg increased sTST by 12.62 minutes and 22.06 minutes, respectively, at Month 1, and by 9.93 minutes and 19.77 minutes, respectively, at Month 3. The results for sTST were supportive, as they were statistically significant and, at the 50 mg dose, met the clinically meaningful effect size to detect duration of 20 minutes or more at both timepoints. For the secondary endpoint of IDSIQ‑SD, Quviviq resulted in an improvement over placebo. Quviviq 25 mg and 50 mg reduced the IDSIQ‑SD score by 0.75 units and 1.75 units, respectively, at Month 1, and by 0.99 units and 1.90 units, respectively, at Month 3. Of these, only the results for Quviviq 50 mg were statistically significant; however, they did not met the clinically meaningful effect size to detect of 5 units or more.
Study 302
Study 302, identical in design as Study 301, assessed Quviviq at the 10 mg and 25 mg doses. In total, 3,683 patients were screened, 2,201 patients went through a single-blind run-in, and 924 patients were randomized to receive study treatment. In the intention-to-treat number group (n = 924), patients received Quviviq 10 mg (n = 307), Quviviq 25 mg (n = 309), or placebo (n = 308). The study included 286 men (31.0%) and 638 women (69.0%), with an average age (mean ± standard deviation) of 56.70 ± 14.2 years.
For the primary endpoints of WASO and LPS, Quviviq resulted in an improvement over placebo at both time points and doses. Quviviq 10 mg and 25 mg reduced WASO by 2.74 minutes and 11.62 minutes, respectively, at Month 1, and by 1.95 minutes and 10.25 minutes, respectively, at Month 3. Quviviq 10 mg and 25 mg reduced LPS by 2.61 minutes and 6.45 minutes , respectively, at Month 1, and by 3.19 minutes and 9.01 minutes , respectively, at Month 3. Of these, only the WASO results for Quviviq 25 mg at both timepoints were statistically significant; however, they did not meet the clinically meaningful effect size to detect duration of 15 minutes or more.
For the secondary endpoints of sTST and IDSIQ‑SD, Quviviq resulted in an improvement over placebo at both time points and doses. Quviviq 10 mg and 25 mg increased sTST by 13.37 minutes and 16.13 minutes, respectively, at Month 1, and by 13.58 minutes and 19.06 minutes, respectively, at Month 3. Quviviq 10 mg and 25 mg reduced IDSIQ‑SD by 0.43 units and 0.75 units, respectively, at Month 1, and by 0.73 units and 1.25 units, respectively, at Month 3. Of these, only the sTST results for Quviviq 25 mg at both timepoints were statistically significant; however, they did not meet the clinically meaningful effect size to detect duration of 20 minutes or more.
The New Drug Submission for Quviviq was filed by the sponsor with the following indication:
Quviviq (daridorexant) is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with insomnia, to improve sleep and daytime functioning.
Health Canada revised the proposed indication to adequately reflect the efficacy demonstrated in the patient population studied and to maintain wording consistent with that used for other drugs in the same class. Accordingly, Health Canada approved the following indication:
Quviviq (daridorexant) is indicated for the management of adult patients with insomnia, characterized by difficulties with sleep onset and/or sleep maintenance.
For more information, refer to the Quviviq Product Monograph, approved by Health Canada and available through the Drug Product Database.
Clinical Safety
The clinical safety of Quviviq was based on data from Study 301, Study 302 (see Clinical Efficacy section), and Study 303, an open-label, longer-term, nine-month safety extension study to Study 301 and Study 302. Of the 1,847 patients in these studies who received study treatment, 618 patients received Quviviq 25 mg, 308 patients received Quviviq 50 mg, 306 patients received Quviviq 10 mg, and 615 patients received placebo. Approximately 40% of the 1,847 patients were 65 years of age or older. Overall, 490 patients were treated with Quviviq for at least 6 months and 314 patients were treated with Quviviq for at least 12 months.
Four fatalities were reported in patients who received Quviviq at doses ranging from 10 mg to 25 mg. One fatality occurred during Study 301, two occurred during Study 303, and one occurred after discontinuing the drug treatment. While no fatalities were reported in patients who received placebo, the fatalities that were reported may be attributable to random events and, in part, to the relative greater patient exposure to drug treatment.
The adverse events reported during the studies were expected for this class of drug. In Study 301 and Study 302 (pooled data), adverse reactions that occurred in at least 2% of patients who received Quviviq and more frequently (≥1%) than those who received placebo included headache (5.5%), somnolence (2.5%), fatigue (2.5%), dizziness (2%), and nausea (1.5%).
A standard set of terms from the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA) Queries was used to conduct a search of the clinical study dataset. Under the category of general, there was a small uptick in patients who reported a hypersensitivity reaction (0.81% for Quviviq vs. 0.65% for placebo). No cases of anaphylactic or anaphylactoid reactions were reported. Under the category of insomnia-related events, the combined frequency of narcolepsy-like events was 1.06% for Quviviq vs. 0.32% for placebo. The linkage between Quviviq and these adverse reactions is not well understood, as they are associated with patients with sleep abnormalities. An uptick in the frequencies of depression was notable with Quviviq (0.57%) vs. placebo (0.32%). Under the category of reinforcing potential, out of the terms of drug abuse, substance abuse, addiction, dependence, euphoria, mood changes, psychosis, and hallucinations, no safety signals were detected aside from an uptick in the frequency of hallucinations (0.32% for Quviviq vs. 0.0% for placebo). Under the category of laboratory, data for abnormal thyrotropin, thyroid-stimulating hormone, eosinophils, leukocytes, hepatic enzymes, and bilirubin were requested. Results identified a slightly higher frequency in events of reduced thyroxine and increased bilirubin. No events of insomnia rebound or withdrawal symptoms were identified in the clinical trial data.
Quviviq was approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration on January 7, 2022. Given the recent approval, the sponsor was only able to provide a very rough estimate of exposure of approximately 3,000 patients. In this limited post-marketing exposure, the following cases were reported: narcolepsy-like symptoms (n = 14), drug abuse potential (n = 11), depression (n = 5), central nervous system depressant effects (n = 3), anxiety (n = 1), and suicide/self-injury (n = 1).
Appropriate warnings and precautions are in place in the approved Quviviq Product Monograph to address the identified safety concerns.
For more information, refer to the Quviviq Product Monograph, approved by Health Canada and available through the Drug Product Database.
7.2 Non-Clinical Basis for Decision
As outlined in the What steps led to the approval of Quviviq? section, the review of the non-clinical component of the New Drug Submission for Quviviq was conducted as per Method 3 described in the Draft Guidance Document: The Use of Foreign Reviews by Health Canada.
The non-clinical package included data from primary pharmacodynamic, secondary pharmacodynamic, and safety pharmacology studies.
The receptor binding and functional activity of daridorexant were investigated in several in vitro and in vivo studies. Theses studies provided evidence that daridorexant is an equipotent dual orexin receptor antagonist that reduces latency to sleep and prolongs sleep time in animals. Unlike traditional sleep medications, such as positive gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor modulators, daridorexant does not affect motor functions in rats.
The main metabolites of daridorexant, M1, M3 and M10, do not contribute to the therapeutic effect of the drug. To identify the potential off-target effects of daridorexant, M1, M3, and M10, high-throughput radioligand binding was evaluated using 128 identified targets. Few identified targets showed functional effects (in cells) for daridorexant, M1, and M3. However, the observed half-maximal inhibitory concentrations and half-maximal effective concentrations were in the micromolar range and therefore would not be expected to induce off-target effects during clinical use of the drug. While circulating M3 was the metabolite found in a higher proportion at the maximum plasma drug concentration, it remained in the one micromolar range (1.1 µM for a 50 mg dose).
Safety pharmacology
Multiple cardiovascular studies were performed. No change in QT duration was observed in guinea pigs and dogs. Heart rate reduction observed in the few hours after dosing is thought to be related to the sleep-inducing effect of the drug rather than a direct cardiovascular effect.
In a central nervous system safety pharmacology study and a respiratory safety pharmacology study conducted in rats at doses of 100, 300, and 1,000 mg/kg, daridorexant had no significant effect on the animals. Therefore, the no-observed-adverse-effect level is considered to be 1,000 mg/kg.
Non-clinical pharmacokinetic studies carried out with daridorexant did not identify any serious safety signals or efficacy issues.
In absorption studies, daridorexant is rapidly absorbed with a time to reach maximal concentration varying between 0.3 and 2 hours, depending on species (rats or dogs) and dose. Additionally, daridorexant exhibited a higher exposure and half-life in female rats compared with males.
In distribution studies, after single oral dose, daridorexant was widely distributed to various tissues throughout the body, including the brain. Daridorexant and its major metabolites (M1, M3, M10) are highly bound to plasma proteins.
In excretion studies, daridorexant and its metabolites were excreted in the milk of lactating rats. The major route of excretion is feces.
In metabolism studies, daridorexant was metabolized via seven primary pathways from which 22 metabolites were identified structurally. Three major metabolites were identified (M1, M3, M10); however, they did not contribute significantly to the overall pharmacological effect of daridorexant. Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) is responsible for 89% of the metabolism of daridorexant.
In repeat-dose toxicity studies, the main clinical signs observed in rats and dogs were decreased activity and sluggish behaviour at lower doses and intermittent head tremors or head shaking at higher doses. These mild effects at the lower doses were expected based on the pharmacology of daridorexant. The clinical signs resolved during the recovery period. In the dogs, there were cataplexy-like clinical signs in the presence of stimulation, which were categorized as fainting. This finding may be due to an exaggerated pharmacological effect of daridorexant. This clinical sign was not observed at the beginning of the recovery period; however, the cataplexy-like clinical sign is considered to be adverse.
In rats, a dose-related increase in hepatocellular hypertrophy was observed; this finding was associated with an increase in liver weights and, in some cases, an increase in liver enzymes. These changes were generally of minimal severity and were reversible during the treatment-free period. Follicular cell hypertrophy in the thyroid gland was observed primarily in rats and was associated with increases in thyroid weight, circulating triiodothyronine, and thyroid-stimulating hormone. These changes were reversible by the end of the treatment-free period. Additionally, findings in the liver and the thyroid appeared to be secondary to the liver enzyme-inducing effect of daridorexant.
Daridorexant was not genotoxic in two in vitro studies and one in vivo study. It was also not oncogenic in carcinogenicity studies in rats and transgenic mice.
Daridorexant had no toxicologically significant effect on male and female fertility, embryo-fetal development, or pre- and postnatal development. No adverse effect was observed on the fertility of the offspring of rats treated with daridorexant.
In operant behaviour studies, daridorexant did not produce a stimulus generalization to zolpidem (a drug with abuse potential) and did not have reinforcing properties. In a physical dependence study, the discontinuation of daridorexant treatment did not produce any changes associated with withdrawal symptoms.
The results of the non-clinical studies as well as the potential risks to humans have been included in the Quviviq Product Monograph. In view of the intended use of Quviviq, there are no pharmacological or toxicological issues within this submission which preclude authorization of the product.
For more information, refer to the Quviviq Product Monograph, approved by Health Canada and available through the Drug Product Database.
7.3 Quality Basis for Decision
As outlined in the What steps led to the approval of Quviviq? section, the review of the quality component of the New Drug Submission for Quviviq was conducted as per Method 3 described in the Draft Guidance Document: The Use of Foreign Reviews by Health Canada.
The chemistry and manufacturing information submitted for Quviviq has demonstrated that the drug substance and drug product can be consistently manufactured to meet the approved specifications. Proper development and validation studies were conducted, and adequate controls are in place for the commercial processes. Changes to the manufacturing process and formulation made throughout the pharmaceutical development are considered acceptable upon review. Based on the stability data submitted, the proposed shelf life of 24 months is acceptable when the drug product is stored at room temperature (15 ºC to 30 ºC).
A Notice of Non-Compliance (NON) was previously issued by Health Canada on August 15, 2022. It was determined that the sponsor's risk assessment for the potential formation of N‑nitrosamine impurities (N‑Nitrosodiethylamine) during the drug substance manufacturing process did not align with Health Canada's expectations regarding control of nitrosamines. Additionally, the sponsor was requested to define triazole as a starting material. In the Response to the NON, the sponsor provided a revised risk assessment demonstrating a negligible risk for the formation of N‑Nitrosodiethylamine during the commercial process. The proposed limits of drug-related impurities are considered adequately qualified (i.e., within International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use limits and/or qualified from toxicological studies). Additionally, triazole was redefined as a regulatory starting material. Therefore, a Notice of Compliance was recommended from a quality perspective.
All sites involved in production are compliant with good manufacturing practices.
None of the non-medicinal ingredients (excipients, described earlier) found in the drug product are prohibited by the Food and Drug Regulations.
None of the excipients used in the formulation of Quviviq is of human or animal origin.